Alchemist Mu Season 20

Season 20

New World 01.01.2025 - New Season is here
Halloween Event

New Halloween Event

Collect 24.09.2024 - Pumpkin Of Luck - Drops Custom Jewels
Lightning Weapons

New Lightning Weapons

Craft 24.09.2024 - New weapons for all classes
New Map Burning Kethothum

New Map Burning Kethothum

HUNT 26.07.2024 - Hunt Ability Crystal for Master5
DragonMu Season 19

Flag System

News 26.01.2024 - Get flag for free at Devias Guild Master
DragonMu Season 19

New S19P2-3

News 26.01.2024 - Server Season 19 Part 2-3
DragonMu Boss Battle Map

Boss Battle Event

Reward 20.05.2023 - FO Jewel or Ancient +FO items

PVE damage up to 2mil

Apocalipse set Season 18
News 09.01.2022 - Classy Looking Gear for each style

Free Ghost Horse for all

In inventory

DragonMu Season 18
News 03.09.2022 - Reset to get Guardians

Top Players

Name Level MLevel MExp ResGRes Guild Status
29March 400 1160 2048741059940 1476 AVENGERS
jaEna 1 1161 5419387943178 366
XVMmod 400 861 122750443141 06
SRayleigh 95 400 0 1505
MrKim2 400 1028 693034505136 1235
xTieuDaoz 150 400 0 1175
GLBee5 233 902 94962277297 1683
NhimTho 312 725 204004677438 1352
CaMapHeo 339 399 403125118 752
ThanThai 400 703 45190757150 372
Pepsi 400 826 409506967320 322 Pkclear
Ahehe 20 461 18066252000 1111
Akaka 28 464 8044740000 1081
Growl 133 1107 1237710883654 851
MinhAnh 400 657 90805137056 351
Karmile 400 753 82645364284 11
MsGrow 1 1103 1205465748277 01 1StVN
ToPLanC3R 400 434 5959268229 1740
evolof 400 522 11982099296 1610
COP357 400 644 133118338832 1380
Hate 400 810 370943535504 1180 Pkclear
Swarovski 314 903 74801726320 1120
Black 219 731 65471081782 1050
R1NA 400 653 72311392062 1000
BoGau 375 257 211012905 840
BeTho 400 400 0 600
KupkaWinda 400 1169 1784416789252 560 GAZOWNIA
DklLancer 400 667 95306576589 540
MrGrow 400 590 5525731641 540
GLVip 319 630 78826715982 510
LOVELOVE 400 476 22841018242 510
Lexa 400 1152 2377457419919 500 LaLiga
PaniLancer 400 784 313251686610 500 xPOLSKAx
Kent 400 1019 302499881612 480
GLBEO 400 684 162023874693 470
testaa2 400 629 12596849538 430
YAMATOoOo 400 658 98308115365 360 AVENGERS
KULATU 400 634 30016901217 360
Miin 400 533 12600143420 340
ADMistyc 400 750 19159008429 310
Saber 400 833 326940129497 300
OneMore 292 400 13510209736 300
TocDuoiGa 400 643 28706294073 290
Reea 310 663 166821058489 280
Lancelot 400 537 35343884032 280
MaxThorne 400 555 12371414463 250 CazaXino
GrowPr 400 424 9954341380 250
ShiroRiki 400 564 66125102928 240
thuoclao 400 491 35434327500 240
YoKun 400 768 78741327239 220