Season 20Part1-3 X5000 opening 1.March
DragonMU will be updated to Season 20 Part 1-3! New server X5000 will be opened 1.March
2000 Wcoins SHARE EVENT: In THIS facebook video post, comment section tag 3friends who plays MU, like our page!
Donations from previous servers has been refunded and can be reused on X5000 again! Welcome back!
Experience: Regular x5000, Master x5000, Majestic x5000
Reset: in game 400lvl stats stays: 10Wcoins, command: /reset. Stats stay. VIP stay on position.
Grand reset: 150 Resets, 20000 Wcoins reward, Resets burns, stats burns! In website!
REBUILD Xshop with Wcoins and Goblin Points items, play game, farm Wc, GP and get top items!
Extra play rewards by reaching level or reset or just free:
- /startergift Lvl2 lucky set tickets, +15
- /level1650 Get Angel & Devil Wings
- /reset1 Ghost Horse
- /reset10 Ice Dragon
- /reset30 Pear Lion
- /reset50 Shining tail
- /reset100 Ur pet
- /reset150 Leviathan
Play time event (PT): Earn Wcoins and Bless of Light by being online, reset ammount must be equal or higher to play time level, to claim.
PT1 = 100Wc, PT2 = 200Wc, PT3= 300Wc, PT4= 400Wc, PT5= 500Wc, PT6= 600Wc, PT7= 700Wc, PT8= 800Wc, PT9= 900Wc, PT10= 1000Wc
Errtel Upgrade rates 100%, just farm the components, All item Level up upgrades 100%
Chaos machine rates are 100%
Spots: All maps 5mobs, 1 Hotspot each map 10mobs
PVP servers ONLY!
Points per level: regular, Master points per level: 2
Custom jewels, events, game commands!
Auto Combo system! Socket items on +15 with any 5 sockets enabled custom options!
Lightning weapons! On +15 with 5 excellent enables custom options!
Blessed Archangel items! On +15 with 5 excellent enables custom options!
5th Wings! On +15 with enables custom options!
Mix rates:
Soul + luck 100%, Without 75%
Life: 70%
Chaos machine for regular items & Earrings: 100%
Errtels/Pentas level up: till 100%
Ice Wind Valley: Daily Rewards 2000 WCoins to guild master and 2000 WCoins to guild members
PVE: Buffed monsters, takes full stats to conquest last maps. Can solo PVE top maps.
PVP: Balanced on full stats with decent gear! PVP time ~3-6 seconds!
Useful commands:
Open Shop Anywhere = /npc
Open Warehouse Anywhere = /store
Decrease Strength = /decstr, Decrease Agility = /decagi, Decrease Vitality = /decvit Decrease Energy = /decene Decrease Command = /deccmd
Clear Inventory BAG Included Pets = /deletemyitems, Clear Event Inventory = /cleareventinv
Offlevel = /offlevel Offtrade= /offtrade
Anti-lag System commands= /antilag
DragonMu Updates V10
New updates added to play run launcher to get automatic update!
X1000 server donations can be transfered to X9999 server, send support ticket or FB message to transfer!
DragonMu Updates V9
New Updates compleated, new patch required to play! Run launcher to get latest updates! Manual patch here: extract over old game client: This Patch
- Fixed shops due to issues with multi-buy
- Resolved reported game client crash specific to client
- Corrected new weapon mix issue
- Fixed country flags did not display
- Updated Summoner and ELF PVE dmg
- PVP settings are set to battle with 5th wings which have 5mill HP (on +15)
- Fixed Wings from voucher, old ones need to exchange, send pm with details to exchange to regular wings!
- Fixed BC entry issue
Update To S19P2-3 New Weapons - Lightning
Server was updated to latest S19P2-3 Lighning weapon version. This version inlcudes a lot of dc and game crash fixed as well as new weapons - Lightning Weapons!
New game client is needed to download! DragonMu Download it from DOWNLOAD SECTION